
Hanno Werk GmbH & Co. KG
Hanno-Ring 3-5
30880 Laatzen
Telephone +49 5102 7000 0
Fax +49 5102 7000 102
E-mail: info(at)hanno.com
Internet: www.hanno.com

Hanno (Schweiz) AG
Gewerbestraße 10
4450 Sissach
Telephone +41 619 7386 02
Fax +41 619 7386 03
E-mail: info(at)hanno.ch
Internet: www.hanno.ch

Hanno Werk GmbH & Co. KG
c/o German American Chamber of Commerce, Inc.
80 Pine Street, 24th Floor
New York, NY 10005
Telephone +1 646 405 1038
Fax +1 646 405 1027
E-mail: info(at)hanno-vito.com
Internet: www.hanno-vito.com
VITO - a strong partner
Now you have got to know HANNO; why not also take a look at our partner company VITO. VITO is the manufacturer of many self-adhesive products and system solutions that perfectly complement the HANNO range: Sealing and foam tapes, double-sided adhesive tapes, metal adhesive tapes, prelaying and partition tapes, protective films, stacking discs and much more.
It's worth a visit: www.vito-irmen.de