Hanno-EL 1

ESD-Transportation protection for high-quality electronics

The soft, elastic foam dampens shocks and prevents mechanical damage. The foam is fully impregnated, completely electrostatically conductive, and prevents static discharge. The material is permanently conductive, meaning it maintains a stable surface resistance for years.

Hanno Foam EL
BIM Daten von HANNO



+49 (0) 5102 7000-0


Hanno-EL 1 product characteristics

• Open-cell PU Foam
• Highly absorbent
• Broad selection of surfaces
• excellent adhesive coating for problematic substrates


A range of special varieties are available

Tailored conductivity, different densities and surface resistances tailored to packaged components – we can find the optimal, customised solution for you.

Data sheet, installation instructions and information on Hanno-EL 1

Everything at a glance and in digital form – data sheet with full technical specifications and further product information as a practical PDF.

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Hanno Foam EL