+49 (0) 5102 7000-0
A BG1 sealing tape that is PFAS-free and fulfils all the criteria of DIN 18542:2020: This is Hanno's trade fair innovation. A patent application has…
A reliable partner for innovative solutions. With this vision, Kurt Hersberger and Hanno-Werk Laatzen Germany founded Hanno (Schweiz) AG. Today, Hanno…
The sealant and insulation specialist Hanno (Laatzen) has put a new splitting line into operation that is specially designed for difficult-to-split…
Hanno is expanding its sales organisation in South East and Eastern Europe: Thomas Kexel (62) is now supporting the sales team. With him, Hanno is…
New machines, another photovoltaic system and authorisation for another production hall and warehouse - the sealant and insulation manufacturer Hanno…
The proven multifunctional tapes Hannoband-3E Easy and Hannoband-3E Basic BG1 have now passed the test in accordance with ift guideline MO-01/1…
The Hanno sales team has been strengthened: Oliver Wulf is the new area manager for the south-west. Wulf has already been working in the construction…
Johannes Kremin: New Product Manager Technical Acoustics at HANNO
Hannoband-3E Easy and Hannoband-THERM certified
The sealing of joints and connections in the building envelope deserves attention right from the planning phase. Façades and components such as…
Renovation with Hannoband: Renovating an existing building requires expertise, good tools and professional products for first-class quality. The Haß…
Managing Director of Hanno Werk GmbH & Co. KG is a new board member of the "Industrieverband Dichtstoffe" (Sealants Industry Association)
The Hanno Premium Partner Programme continues to grow!
Three sealing tapes from HANNO are now listed in the DGNB Navigator. The online platform supports architects, planners and craftsmen in the product…
The sealing and insulation specialist HANNO will present its innovative product range for the first time at "modularesBauen 2023". The congress fair…
ift assembly practice and further development through training: HANNO is constantly expanding the practical and theoretical know-how of its employees…
"Never change a running system ..." - but "expand a running team" always works! 17 HANNOs laced up their shoes at this year's B2Run.
H.O. Schlüter GmbH is deepening its cooperation with HANNO.
The Hanno catalogue for innovative technical acoustics is now also available in English and can be downloaded in our service area.
Sealing for highly stressed primary and cross joints: The Hannoband-BG1 has now been awarded the RAL quality mark for joint sealing components and…