The new leading role – for MF1 and MF2.
Hannoband-3E BG1 product characteristics
• Fulfils the specifications of the “Installation guidelines” of RAL-Gütegemeinschaften Fenster und Haustüren e. V.
• Impressive performance for long-lasting dry connection joints
• Resistant to driven rain > 1050 Pa in accordance with EN 1027
• Very high air-tightness in ift component testing under MO 01/1 with < 0.05 m³/mh at 50 Pa
• Very low joint permeability of < 0.1 m³(h·m·(daPa)2/3)
• Complies with DIN 18542:2020, exposure class MF1 & MF2
• Construction materials class B1 in accordance with DIN 4102
• Assessed joint noise reduction RS,W ≥ 59 dB (not plastered)
• UV/weather resistant for passive houses and new construction in accordance with DIN 18542:2020
Hannoband-3E BG1 Applications
Passive house
Hannoband-3E BG1 was tested by the BBS Institute Wolfenbüttel to determine whether its thermal properties make it suitable for use in passive houses and for airtight installation. The tape achieved air-tightness levels well below the requirements of DIN 4108-2, with an an-value of almost 0. The tape achieved the same value as installed, as shown in system testing by the ift Rosenheim (an < 0.05).
Classic new construction
Hannoband-3E BG1 fulfils or exceeds all of the requirements of DIN 4108-2, the Buildings Energy Act (GEG) or RAL guidelines for installation of multifunctional tape in classic new construction. Long-lasting weather resistance. With Hannoband-3E BG1, you will always be on the safe side.