Hannoband-3E BG1

Premium tape with extended joint range

With at least two integrated functional membranes, this tape ensures permanently dry connecting joints. MPA BAU HANNOVER has verified that the Hanno high-performance membranes adapt to moisture. Hannoband-3E BG1 is tighter against diffusion on the moister side than on the drier side, thus transporting the moisture out of the joint. The principle works both in the typical winter situation demanded under RAL “tighter inside than out” and in reverse diffusion in summer. The joint is kept dry all year round.

Hannoband 3E-BG1
Hannoband-3E BG1 Hannoband-3E BG1 Hannoband-3E BG1 Hannoband-3E BG1
BIM Daten von HANNO



+49 (0) 5102 7000-0


Hannoband-3E BG1 product characteristics

•  Fulfils the specifications of the “Installation guidelines” of RAL-Gütegemein­schaften Fenster und Haustüren e. V.
• Impressive performance for long-lasting dry connection joints
• Resistant to driven rain > 1050 Pa in accordance with EN 1027
• Very high air-tightness in ift component testing under MO 01/1 with < 0.05 m³/mh at 50 Pa
• Very low joint permeability of < 0.1 m³(h·m·(daPa)2/3)
• Complies with DIN 18542:2020, exposure class MF1 & MF2
• Construction materials class B1 in accordance with DIN 4102
• Assessed joint noise reduction RS,W ≥ 59 dB (not plastered)
• UV/weather resistant for passive houses and new construction in accordance with DIN 18542:2020


Hannoband-3E BG1 installation instructions

No need to struggle with complex instructions: our brief video provides a clear, easy to understand explanation of steps for installing the product.

Hannoband-3E BG1 Applications

Passive house
Hannoband-3E BG1 was tested by the BBS Institute Wolfenbüttel to determine whether its thermal properties make it suitable for use in passive houses and for airtight installation. The tape achieved air-tightness levels well below the requirements of DIN 4108-2, with an an-value of almost 0. The tape achieved the same value as installed, as shown in system testing by the ift Rosenheim (an < 0.05).

Classic new construction
Hannoband-3E BG1 fulfils or exceeds all of the requirements of DIN 4108-2, the Buildings Energy Act (GEG) or RAL guidelines for installation of multifunctional tape in classic new construction. Long-lasting weather resistance. With Hannoband-3E BG1, you will always be on the safe side.


Renovations (covered installation)
Seals need to ensure air-tightness in accordance with DlN 4108-2 with a value of an < 0.1 in renovation projects – no problem at all for Hannoband-3E BG1.

Thermal insulation
Hannoband-3E BG1 is tested in accordance with DIN EN 13501 construction materials class E even when fully expanded, and can be used for thermal and noise insulation without restriction.


Installation instructions for Hannoband-3E BG1

No need to struggle with complex instructions: our brief video provides a clear, easy to understand explanation of steps for installing the product.