Hanno-Roller Blind Box Insulation

Sound and thermal insulation for roller blind boxes

The roller blind box insulation is a combination of an absorption layer and Hanno-Tect open-cell melamine resin foam with 5 or 10 kg/m² flexible heavy film.

The foam layer provides outstanding airborne sound absorption and thermal insulation thanks to its low thermal conductivity value of <0.035 W/(m·K). The soft, flexible heavy film stabilises the roller blind housing and increases its grammage, thus reducing sound permeability.

In addition to the product’s excellent characteristics, the plates are easy to lay with self-adhesive film.

Hanno-Roller Blind Box Insulation
BIM Daten von HANNO



+49 (0) 5102 7000-0


Hanno-Roller Blind Box Insulation product characteristics

• Temperature resistance -40°C to +85°C
• Thermal conductivity: < 0.035 W/(m·K) (10°C, d = 50 mm)
• Sound insulation value: approx. 40 dB
• Construction materials class: B2 in accordance with DIN 4102
• No heat loss through thermal bridges
• Improved sound and thermal insulation in roller blind box
• Can be laid at the factory or later in the installed roller blind box
• Self-adhesive for fast processing


Data sheet, installation instructions and information on Hanno-Roller Blind Box Insulation

Everything at a glance and in digital form – data sheet with full technical specifications and further product information as a practical PDF.

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Hanno roller blind box insulation