Hanno Tect AL 18 tp

Particularly temperature-resistant
The very light Hanno Tect AL 18 tp is particularly temperature-resistant (up to 180 °C for short periods) and has a favourable fire behaviour (EN 45545-2, EN 13501, FMVSS 302).
It has the excellent sound-absorbing properties that are inherent in all Hanno Tect products and thus makes an important contribution to peace and comfort.

Hanno-Tect AL 18 tp is laminated with an aluminium foil and can be adjusted to be hydrophobic and oleophobic.

Areas of application:

    Automotive and rail vehicles
    Refrigeration and air conditioning
    Room acoustics
    Medical technology

Hanno Tect AL 18 tp
BIM Daten von HANNO



+49 (0) 5102 7000-0


Hanno Tect AL 18 tp product characteristics

• temperature resistant up to 140 °C, temporarily up to 180 °C
• open-cell foam made of melamine resin
• low bulk density
• heat/cold insulating 0.035 W/(m·K)
• high sound absorption
• hydrophobic/oleophobic adjustable
• good chemical resistance
• favourable fire behaviour (EN 45545-2: EN 13501, FMVSS 302)


Data sheet, installation instructions and information on Hanno Tect AL 18 tp

Everything at a glance and in digital form – data sheet with full technical specifications and further product information as a practical PDF.

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Hanno Tect AL 18 tp